2024-05-16 22:50:52

CloudHealth Cloud Service Management

Transform the way your organization operates in the cloud with a single solution to manage it all.

  • Company Name : CloudHealth

  • About Solution :

    CloudHealth by VMware integrates with services across the data center and cloud, giving customers access to a centralized hub of data analytics. Using a policy-driven approach aligned to business processes, customers use CloudHealth to drive cost savings, improve agility, enhance security, and reduce complexity. With CloudHealth, customers can innovate faster while enhancing governance or control.

  1. Feature 1 : Analyze, plan, and modify Reserved Instances automatically with CloudHealth's advanced RI management solutions.
  2. Feature 2 : Ensure you are always using the right resources for your workloads and maximizing efficiency with CloudHealth Rightsizing recommendations across CPU, memory, disk, and network.
  1. USP 1 : Automated actions enables you to securely automate the execution of day-to-day operations required to manage your cloud environment
  1. Price 1 : 41904 - 12 Months
  2. Price 2 : 83808 - 24 Months
  3. Price 3 : 125712 - 36 Months
  1. Feedback 1 : Enhance security
  2. Feedback 2 : Reduce complexity
  3. Feedback 3 : Good Efficiency
  1. Story 1 : "Cloud Health enables us to gain the infrastructure visibility we needed to control costs and manage them efficiently, while keeping up with our pace of innovation," - Jeannie Finks, Strategic and Technical Operations Director, Strategic PMO, Acquia
  2. Story 2 : "I think a third-party tool like CloudHealth to look at your cloud spend, whether it's AWS, Azure, Google, whoever, is basically a requirement. I've used native tools before and to be fair they just can't do what a tool like CloudHealth can do." - Jamie Watt, Platform Cost Specialist, Xero
